May 13, 2006

Tennis Anyone?


Blogger ceci n'est pas said...

you have such an interesting perspective. wide angle, pushed colours, and such an urban setting. see beauty in the mechanized? you would have a hey-day at the factory where i work. does anything grow where you live? i really do love this stuff...

5/13/2006 10:33 PM  
Blogger j-lay said...

you're right, i would probably have a hay-day where you work. i tend to focus a lot on line, form, and perspective. so i factory would be fun. things do grow where i live. i purposely live outside of the city to be closer to living things, but i've been taken photos of the mechanized world lately.

5/14/2006 8:27 AM  
Blogger ceci n'est pas said...

that's good to hear. everything is in bloom now, and i would hate to think that someone was missing it. do you make prints of your pictures too?

5/14/2006 3:14 PM  
Blogger j-lay said...

i typically don't print my photos. i've thought about it a few times, but i haven't had a good enough reason to provoke me yet.

5/14/2006 6:39 PM  

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